MRM // McCann:
Honeywell rebranding strategy


Assess, consolidate, collaborate

Honeywell wanted to overhaul its website experience for the parallel purposes of building a top-notch site to rival other large companies and infusing the content with targeted branding language.

I jumped in to consolidate existing website content and determine its usefulness in a rebranded/redesigned site. I leveraged existing work, improving documents and processes where possible. I worked with UX, CX, Creative and Project/Account Management to effectively present information to Honeywell stakeholders.


Analyze, strategize, recommend

Working with resources throughout the MRM//McCann agency, I helped determine cross-industry best practices relevant to Honeywell’s goals. We then made recommendations for project scope and time/resource calendars moving forward.

Presented key findings and recommendations to the client and gained executive buy-in for short- and long-term changes to their website experience (ongoing business for MRM//McCann).